
Poetry is Awesome with a capital A.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


The cinquain is easy to write. It is so because you can write basically about anything! I feel that everyone should try to write a cinquain to express themselves as this year's theme for Evergreen Secondary is Expression. However, there is a rule stating that the cinquain should be arranged as;

1st line: Noun/Topic
2nd line: 2 Adjectives
3rd line: 2 Gerunds
4th line: 1 Short complete sentence
5th line: Synonym

During one of the Literature lesson, Miss Malyanah told 2 Respect to write one about themselves. It was really fun as we get to reflect about who we are and what we want other people to know about ourselves. Mine goes like this;

Female. Honest.
Playing. Talking. Running.
I love cycling!

In literature, i believe there is no right or wrong answer as everyone will have a different view about everything. I want to learn more ways to express myself through writings.