
Poetry is Awesome with a capital A.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MCYS TVC Funeral

1st question: Why mixed couple?

Using a mixed couple is more effective because it shows harmony between each race. It also shows that there is no boundaries when facing love. Adding to that, it could also means that  they are learning more about each others' culture. This helps improve the knowledge of one's other culture. A mixed couple means a unique couple whereby they sort out their social differences to be together which equals to sacrifices.

2nd question: Why did she concentrated on the bad traits?

She concentrated on her husband's bad traits because that is what people would normally take notice of, negatively. This shows that she has a different opinion of her husband and that, she knew him like no one else did. People usually will take notice of other people's flaws. However, in this case, she had converted his flaw as something a part of him which is something dearly. To be able to love them truly; is to being able to accept them their flaws. It is those small imperfections of theirs that makes them feel complete of what they really are.

3rd question: Do you think it is effective to promote family value?

Yes. Firstly, there was a connection between both races. Clearly, it meant being able to stick together no matter what. There's a saying; blood is thicker than water. Secondly, the lady showed intense emotion towards her late-husband. She must have been a good actress. Clearly, it shows how deep the relationship with someone you love is. As how a family should be; to have a strong relationship with your family members. Thirdly, the acceptance of a family member fully. Clearly, all family members will have to accept what they are because they will be together for a long time unless when going overseas or migrating. Basically, the lady accepted her husband's strengths and weaknesses gracefully with pure love.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My favourite cartoon character

My favourite cartoon character is Patrick Star. Firstly, I would want to say that what comes to most of you people's mind is; "Hey, isn't that a stupid starfish?" However, does it matter if you've got the brains or not? Does it matter if you've got a weird best friend? Does it matter if you've got a odd-looking house? NO, IT DOES NOT MATTER AT ALL.What matters is what actually truly comes from the heart and from this I shall quote, "Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I'd rather be an idiot than lose you." from Patrick Star. He might have been a 'clever' starfish at that point of time because I believe he knows how to express himself. However, when he is back to his former self, he kept it to himself if I'm not wrong.

Ignorant as he may seem,
don't be deceived by his stupefied looks.
For never judge a book by its cover,
but it can never be helped.

Admiration should be taken noticed of,
and not some kind of intelligence.
It does not take a great mind to know what's so special,
especially when it comes to friendships like his and Spongebob.

I do not think I am in any way like that character. At all. I'm not as lowly educated as him; I do not have poor living conditions like him; I don't have a best friend unlike him. He is the opposite of me and I totally respect that. It amazes me on how interesting it could really be especially when viewing from a different point of perspective.